Ms. Manita Dalal
Ms. Manita Dalal
Tutor - College of Nursing
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Manita Dalal is a dedicated Tutor at the College of Nursing, AIIMS, New Delhi, where she has been associated for the past five years. She holds a B.Sc. in Nursing from PGIMS, Rohtak, and an M.Sc. in Nursing from R.A.K. College of Nursing, Delhi. Currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Nursing from the National Consortium under the Indian Nursing Council, Manita brings over a decade of professional experience in various roles, including Training Coordinator and Assistant Professor. Her expertise focuses on Respectful Maternity Care, complemented by specialized training in Midwifery Simulation Techniques and Qualitative Research. With five publications in indexed journals and a commitment to enhancing nursing education, Manita has organized an ICMR-funded workshop on Respectful Maternity Care for Nurses, showcasing her dedication to advancing the field.
Tutor - College of Nursing
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Manita Dalal is a dedicated Tutor at the College of Nursing, AIIMS, New Delhi, where she has been associated for the past five years. She holds a B.Sc. in Nursing from PGIMS, Rohtak, and an M.Sc. in Nursing from R.A.K. College of Nursing, Delhi. Currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Nursing from the National Consortium under the Indian Nursing Council, Manita brings over a decade of professional experience in various roles, including Training Coordinator and Assistant Professor. Her expertise focuses on Respectful Maternity Care, complemented by specialized training in Midwifery Simulation Techniques and Qualitative Research. With five publications in indexed journals and a commitment to enhancing nursing education, Manita has organized an ICMR-funded workshop on Respectful Maternity Care for Nurses, showcasing her dedication to advancing the field.