Dr. Howieda Fouly
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology of Nursing
Higher College of Technology
United Arab Emirates
Dr. Howieda A. A. Fouly is a full professor, has a post-doctor scholarship at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing 2017 USA. She had a Ph.D. co-scholarship from 2009-2011 at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing USA. She joined Assiut University, Egypt faculty of nursing as a faculty member in 2000 & and she taught Obstetrics & Gynecologic nursing / theoretical & clinical curriculum 23 years ago. In addition to postgraduate teaching since 2015. She is an Assistant professor, at King Saud bin Abdul-Aziz University for Health Sciences from 2017-2022, Saudi Arabia. Currently, she is working Assistant professor at HCT, Health Sciences- Nursing program UEA on the RAKW campus. The publications include up to 55 peer-reviewed articles and one book/one chapter in women’s health nursing, gynecology oncology, and nursing education.
Higher College of Technology
United Arab Emirates
Dr. Howieda A. A. Fouly is a full professor, has a post-doctor scholarship at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing 2017 USA. She had a Ph.D. co-scholarship from 2009-2011 at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing USA. She joined Assiut University, Egypt faculty of nursing as a faculty member in 2000 & and she taught Obstetrics & Gynecologic nursing / theoretical & clinical curriculum 23 years ago. In addition to postgraduate teaching since 2015. She is an Assistant professor, at King Saud bin Abdul-Aziz University for Health Sciences from 2017-2022, Saudi Arabia. Currently, she is working Assistant professor at HCT, Health Sciences- Nursing program UEA on the RAKW campus. The publications include up to 55 peer-reviewed articles and one book/one chapter in women’s health nursing, gynecology oncology, and nursing education.