Stethon Conferences respect the privacy of the users of our website and are committed to protect the personal information that Users may share with us. This Privacy Statement defines our practises regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of information that we may get when you visit our website or engage in any of the online forums, platforms, newsletters, or other digital activities carried out by us on the Site. In addition, this Privacy Statement outlines your options about its use, access, and correction of your personal information.

Collection of Personal Information: The information acquired directly from a user may include their name, postal address, and contact information. This information will only be used to communicate with you regarding our conferences.

We may keep your personal information for as long as it is relevant to our business purposes or until you request that we remove it.

We use administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to secure your personal information from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, or alteration.

What will we do with your personal data?

Stethon Conferences uses your personal information to present you with relevant information about our conferences, events, and news. We may also use the information for internal operational and analytical purposes. Your personal information is not sold, rented, or traded to third parties.

How We Share the Information We Collect: If you attend a conference hosted by Stethon Conferences, we may publish some of your personal information. For instance, the abstract book may include the full contact information of those who have registered for a conference. The names and affiliations of attendees may be listed on our website. We may share your contact information with conference speakers in order to facilitate their planning and organization duties. We may also publish attendee names, educational or professional backgrounds, or photographs in Stetho Conferences-produced materials, and we may use photographs of meeting interactions in our marketing materials. In addition, we may publish this information for the board members, the Scientific Advisory Board, and other people who participate in programming the activities.

Our website uses external payment service providers to process payments made by credit card, bank transfer, or other means. Users are responsible for providing their payment and personal information directly to these providers, and our platform does not collect or process this information. We will only receive notification of successful payment from the payment service provider.

Your Rights and Choices: Regarding our use and disclosure of your Personal Data, you have options. If you no longer wish to receive marketing-related communications from us, you may unsubscribe via the link provided in such emails. We shall comply with your request(s) as soon as it is possible to do so. Or, you may contact us if you wish to review, amend, or update Personal Data that you have previously submitted to us.

Photography and filming: During the conference, there may be a photographer and video production for promotional purposes. Those who do not desire to be filmed or recorded must notify the conference organizers via email at [email protected].

Public Information: We may also display personal testimonials of attendees on our Site along with your name in addition to other endorsements. If you wish to update or delete your testimonial, you can contact us at [email protected].

Security: We are committed to protecting your Personal Information from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure by implementing and maintaining reasonable, commercially acceptable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the information we store.

Note that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of the Personal Information that we have collected from you.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We may collect information through the Site by way of cookies or other tracking technologies. Cookies and other tracking technologies are script files that facilitate the collection of Non-Personal information, such as the number of visitors to the Site, and how each visitor arrived at the Site.  You may be able to reject or block cookies or tracking technologies on the Site by adjusting your browser settings. The “Help” section of the toolbar of the majority of web browsers contains instructions on how to reject cookies.  If you elect to reject cookies and other tracking technologies, we may not be able to deliver certain information or services to you.

Children’s Privacy Protection: We understand the importance of protecting children’s privacy in the interactive online environment. The Site is not intended for or intentionally aimed at children younger than 18 years of age. We do not collect or maintain personal information from children under the age of 18 through the Site. Please do not provide any personal information if you are under the age of 18. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to assist us in enforcing our Privacy Policy by instructing their children to never provide personal information through the Site without their consent. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 18 has provided us with personal information, please contact us and we will delete this information from our databases.

Changes To Our Privacy Policy: This Privacy Policy is effective as of the date that appears at the top of this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Statement at any time, with or without prior notification. Any such changes will be posted on the website. By accessing the Site after we have made any such modifications to this Privacy Policy, you are deemed to have accepted such modifications. Please note that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, our use of your information is governed by the Privacy Policy in effect at the time we collect the relevant information. Please refer back to this Privacy Statement frequently.

Laws and Jurisdiction: These terms (and the provision of services by us) shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with UAE law which shall have jurisdiction over any disputes.

Consent: You consent to the collection, storage, and processing of your personal information by in accordance with this Privacy statement by providing us with your personal information through this website or by telephone.

Contact Us: If you have any questions or complaints about this Privacy Policy, please contact us electronically or send physical mail to [email protected]