Example of a blinking text using CSS within a marquee Abstract submissions are closed

Call for Abstract

We are pleased to announce the call for abstracts for the 1st UAE International Midwifery Conference, themed “Midwifery Practice: Fostering Conducive Environments for Improved SRMNAH Care.” We invite submissions that align with the following streams:

  • Midwifery Research: Innovative studies and findings that advance the field of midwifery.
  • Midwifery Practice: Practical insights, case studies, and best practices in midwifery.
  • Midwifery Education: Approaches and advancements in midwifery education and training.
  • Midwifery Leadership: Leadership strategies and experiences that promote excellence in midwifery.

Abstracts will undergo selection based on quantity and quality, with chosen ones presented as Posters and Oral Presentations featured in the conference abstract book. Only original data-containing abstracts are eligible; those on review topics will not be considered.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is  August 25, 2024. Edits can be made until this date. Submissions received after the deadline will not be reviewed. Following evaluation, applicants will receive an email indicating acceptance or rejection by 15th September 2024

Abstract Submission Guidelines


All submitted abstracts must be in English


  • The author holds sole responsibility for the content of the abstract. The original abstract is reproduced exactly as submitted. Upon submission, it is imperative to clearly specify the presenting author’s name, who will serve as the primary contact for all communications related to the submitted abstract.
  • All submitted abstracts need to have the names and surnames of all co-authors, along with their positions in their affiliated institutions.
  • The presenting author can be any of the listed authors without affiliations to the industry.


All the submitted abstracts need to be limited to 300 words.


An abstract must have a short, specific title (no abbreviations) that clearly indicates the nature of the investigation. It is encouraged that the title is set so as to attract the audience and to hint to the conclusion of the investigation.

Contents of your abstract:

  • The abstract word limit is max. 300 words per abstract.
  • Include a clear title, list of authors, affiliations, and contact information.
  • The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study. Write the abstract Title in CAPITAL LETTERS. No full stop at the end.
  • All Abstracts to be submitted in word or pdf document format.

Co-Author Approval:

The submitting author must verify that all co-authors have read and approved the submission of the abstract.

Acceptance & Rejection:

  • The scientific committee will review the abstract.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection of the abstract will be sent to all authors by September 15, 2024.
  • The presenting author of the presentation should confirm their attendance upon receiving the acceptance email within one week.
  • Any withdrawal of abstracts should be through email response within 10 days of the acceptance notification email.
  • All accepted Poster and Oral Abstract presenters must register to attend the conference and bear all travel and accommodation expenses.
  • All abstract presenters can avail a special 50% discount of the ongoing registration rate to register for the 2-day conference.
  • All abstracts accepted for Poster presentation will receive specific measurement instruction of the physical posters on the acceptance notification email.
  • For all enquirers regarding abstracts and speakers, please contact – [email protected]


It is the intent of the conference to provide high quality sessions focused on educational content that is free from commercial influence or bias.

A disclosure form identifying commercial relationships or conflict of interest for all co-authors must be completed by the submitting author, if their abstract has been accepted for publication. The submitting author signs and verifies disclosure on behalf of all co-authors. Disclosure information for accepted abstracts will be made available to the conference

Abstracts should not be submitted if the following applies:

  • The abstract contains data that has been published or accepted for publication in a print or online journal.
  • The abstract contains data that was presented at a scientific meeting less than 6 months’ prior the conference
  • All authors should refrain from submitting Pharma Abstracts.